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English translation for "costs per unit"


Related Translations:
per:  短语和例子$2 per man 每人两元。 per day [month, year] 每天[月、年]。 as per=according to. as per usual 〔戏谑语〕照常。 per annum 每年。 per bearer 由来人。 per capita 每人,按人(分配)。 per caput =per capita. percent(um) 每百分之(
Example Sentences:
1.Operation and maintenance costs per unit decrease as the size of the treatment facility increases .
2.Comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
3.Your average cost per unit will likely be lower or equal to the average price per unit
4.On the other hand , labor - saving cultural practices of rice farming , are urgently needed to minimize the production cost per unit area
5.Higher density means the developers can make the same profit per site , even though the initial capital costs per unit are higher
6.Economies of scale : when cost per unit decreases as a manufacturing or distribution operation expands . the opposite is diseconomies of scale
7.In order to cut down rice production cost per unit area , transplanting techniques of 7 - to 8 - day old seedlings are being developed and disseminated to the farmers
为降低单位面积水稻生产成本,开发并向农民传授了7 ~ 8天株龄苗插秧技术。
8.Higher yields , lower production costs per unit of production , and higher grower profits through mey systems have a positive benefit for the environment
9.High standard real estate projects refer to the real estate projects with construction costs per unit two times more than the average construction costs per unit in the same city
10.Those who oppose the building of flats base their case primarily on the assumption that everyone prefers an individual home and garden and on the high cost per unit of accommodation
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